For the elderly or senior citizens, many things to consider when starting the fasting. One is the calories needed during fasting. Meeting the needs of seniors who fasted calories must be equal to their current needs is not fasting.
Type of food consumed must be balanced. A good option is an older type of food that is indigestible complex carbohydrates such as rice, bread, and foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruit. This food is consumed during dawn. While the food is digested faster simple carbohydrates such as sugar, should be limited to consumption during dawn.
For seniors who have a history of disease, are still allowed to fast. Because Ramadan is a month of training and self-control setting, then arrange the food intake and discipline yourself. When fasting, eating and drinking is restricted so that the diet, amount and type of fast food is different from daily habits.
From research by the Division of Geriatric Medicine Department Faculty of medicine / RSCM in 1997, it is known that a person fasting will decrease the food intake of 12 percent of daily food intake. A number of other studies on elderly people showed that fasting gives a good effect on health. Elderly person who is fasting is also not compromised renal function during fluid intake met.
Other studies mentioned, after fasting, there is a decrease of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid. Levels of free radicals (substances that damage cells in the body) also decreased, whereas levels of antioxidants the body needs to increase. Fasting is also no negative effects on people with diabetes mellitus during follow instructions provided. Someone who fasted will feel at ease so that blood sugar levels more stable.
How fast is good for seniors? Here it is:
1. A diet that is recommended when fasting is 40 percent of calories during dawn, 50 percent of calories when breaking the fast which is divided into two namely snacks or fresh when breaking before the Maghrib prayers, and large solids or after Maghrib prayers. While 10 percent of calories consumed a small meal after prayers tarawih.
2. The drugs must be taken - if you have health problems - need to be monitored and regulated re-schedule their drinking.
3. Fluid requirements should be sufficient. It should be about 30-50 cc per kilogram of body weight per day (8-10 glasses) to avoid dehydration.
4. Expand the consumption of water or fruit juices between iftar and bedtime. Avoid too much consumption of tea because it stimulates urine expenditure so that the mineral salts that the body needs during the day will be wasted.
5. Consumption of easily digested foods such as rice, bread, and foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruit. Avoid fatty and fried foods