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Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 11:27 PM

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia
Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia adalah Julukan/ Slogan Yang cocok dan patut di Berikan Untuk Alat transfortasi Mobil yang sehebat, Termewah, dan Ternyaman, Terbaik serta berteknologi handal siapa lagi yang memilik Julukan /Slogan tersebut selain hanya Mercedes-Bend.

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Sejarah Butut Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia :
Disini Komputerbutut akan mempaparkan mengenai history, Sejarah dan Pengalaman dari Kepala Negara Indonesia yang Menggunakan Alat transportasi Kebanggan nya dan juga kebanggan bangsa Indonesia yang tidak boleh dilupakan menggunakan Mobil Mewah Mercedes-Benz Terbaik Indonesia.
  • Presiden Presiden Soekarno diketahui memiliki satu Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine di antara berbagai merk mobil-mobil dinasnya. Namun, selama ia berkuasa (1945-1967), tidak ada foto atau berita di media massa yang memperlihatkan atau menyebutkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno pernah menggunakan mobil tersebut.
Sukarno Mercedes Benz 300x225 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia
Sukarno Mercedes-Benz
Satu-satunya cerita yang mengisahkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno menggunakan Crown Imperial Limousine diperoleh dari tulisan drg. Oei Hong Kian, yang sempat merawat gigi Presiden Soekarno selama beberapa bulan, menjelang dan sesudah kekuasaannya berakhir.
Dalam tulisannya yang dimuat di majalah Intisari bulan Oktober 1988, drg Oei Hong Kian mengisahkan, awal September 1967, tepat pukul 09.00 WIB, Soekarno, yang kekuasaannya berakhir pada awal Maret 1967, datang ke rumahnya untuk berobat dengan menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600, diiringi lima jip penuh dengan tentara, yang menjaganya dengan ketat.

  • Presiden Soeharto (1967-1998), pertama kali menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine pada waktu dia menerima kunjungan Ratu Belanda Juliana ke Jakarta pada 26 Agustus 1971.

suharto Mercedes Benz 600 limousine Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia
suharto Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine
Foto Mercedes-Benz 600 itu terpampang ,Selama memegang kekuasaan sebagai Presiden, Soeharto menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S-Class sebagai kendaraan resminya. Tipenya berganti-ganti dari waktu ke waktu.

Dan, dalam perjalanannya yang terakhir dari Istana Merdeka menuju ke kediamannya di Jalan Cendana 8-10, Jakarta Pusat, setelah mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya sebagai Presiden, ia menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S600 V12. Setelah Soeharto mengundurkan diri,

  • Dan sampai sekarang Hampir Semua Kepala Pemerintahan RI dari Sukarno sampai Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menggunakan Menggunakan Alat transforrasi menggunaka Mercedes-Benz. Mobil Mercedes-Benz Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono adalah Mercedes-Benz tipe S600L model W221. Dengan lisensi plat RI 1, yang mempunyai Banyak Kehebatannya antar lain
S600L model W221 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia
S600L model W221
Mobil ini merupakan kendaraan lapis baja dengan tingkat resistensi Eropa B6/B7. Mercedes-Benz ini tahan terhadap senjata militer standar dan memberikan perlindungan terhadap fragmen yang muncul dari granat tangan, serta bahan peledak lainnya.

Fitur keamanan tambahan termasuk ban run-flat, tanki bahan bakar 90L dan sistem pemadam kebakaran otomatis. Selain itu, mobil ini juga menggunakan ban Michelin PAX 245-700 R470 AC, sistem pengaturan udara segar darurat, sistem kontrol pneumatik darurat untuk membuka jendela (beroperasi secara tersendiri dari sistem elektronik), serta Panic Alarm System tambahan.

Selain itu, ada pula kamera belakang, kaca depan dan jendela depan yang tahan panas, sistem adjutable doorhold yang digunakan di keempat pintu, di pintu belakang yang dapat ditarik dan menutup secara otomatis, serta tirai belakang listrik.

Kendaraan ini memiliki kecepatan puncak 210 kilometer / jam dengan GVW 4.200 kilogram.

Mobil Presiden SBY ini juga memiliki pengatur komponen suspensi dan tubuh mobil, sebuah penjepit tambahan (strut tower brace) antara suspensi depan dan dua bahan tambahan di bagian belakang untuk melengkapi suspensi udara yang lebih besar

Ayoo Mau Pilih apa lagi Alat transfortasi yang Termewah,Terhandal,Ternyaman, berteknologi Terhebat di dunia dan terbaik diantara yang baik hanya Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia . Orang no 1 di Indonesia saja pilih Mercede-Benz, masa kita pake yang lain. Apa kata dunia icon biggrin Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia (bangsa yang Bijak Adalah Bangsa yang Menghargai Sejarah)

11:27 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

10 Exercise Safety Tips

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 19, 2011 | 10:44 PM

Before you grab the gear, hit the gym, or pump some iron, you better put on that thinking cap and think about safety first. Exercise can turn into a few weeks laid up with an injury if you are not careful. Or worse, death can result from foolish mistakes or avoidable catastrophes. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2008, over 300,000 emergency room visits were due to a baby-boomer getting hurt while exercising, condition called "boomeritis". Here are some tips to help you avoid being a statistic.

1. Get your doctor's approval: Those of you who participated in sports in school know that a sports physical was required before you could join a team. In fact, sports physicals are known to save lives of those who were unaware of a sinister heart murmur or irregularity. Everyone should get a physical before starting a new exercise routine or beginning a new sporting activity. This exercise safety tip could save your life.

2. Familiarize with Exercise Machines: Exercise equipment is getting more and more complicated with electronics, pulley systems, and mechanisms. Being unfamiliar with the equipment is an injury waiting to happen. Instead of taking the risk, ask someone who knows the equipment, like a friend, a personal trainer, or a salesperson, how to use the machine first. Besides, you will look like a fool if you don't know what you are doing.

3. Use Safety Equipment: Some sports do not require machines, but do require safety equipment like helmets, wrist guards, knee pads, shin guards, mouth guards, and pads. Safety equipment is not just for sissies. Safety equipment is for everyone with half a brain.

4. Drink Plenty of Water: Whether the environment is hot or cold, water is essential for life. How much water is enough? My favorite rules of hydration that I learned when I fought fire are: if you are not peeing, then you are not drinking enough; if your urine is dark, then you are not drinking enough; if you feel thirsty, then you are already dehydrated; if you are not sweating or feel light headed, then you need to stop, cool down, and drink. This safety tip is important and too often ignored which can lead to deadly consequences.

5. Warm-up and Stretch: A preliminary, prerequisite warm-up helps the body prepare for exercise. The muscles need to turn-on and become flexible. The heart rate needs to get up to speed. The blood needs to be recruited to the areas that need it the most. If you do not know a good preliminary routine for your particular activity, I recommend a time-tested book called: Stretching by Bob Anderson. The routines are sport specific and easy to follow. For those who wish to avoid "boomeritis", a warm-up is not to be skipped.

6. Provide a Good Base of Support: Exercise is safer when the body is well supported. Support can be found in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes your only point of contact with the ground is through your feet, like tires on a car. Thus, good supportive shoes are essential for many forms of exercise. Additionally, good biomechanics, like standing with your feet shoulder width apart, provide the body a base of support. And strong muscles, especially the leg and butt muscles, are pillars of strength for the entire body. Falls, strains, and sprains can all prevented by having a good base of support.
10:44 PM | 1 komentar | Read More

Fasting Tips: Safety And The Truth About Dry Fasting

Fasting is a great way to lose fat and improve your health. Sadly, education about the benefits of fasting is still in it's infancy so most people think that fasting is dangerous

On the other side of the issue, some people say that fasting is safe but only truly beneficial if it's dry, meaning that no food OR fluid is ingested during the fast.

First, let's address the safety issue.

There's an unfortunate misconception that long-term fasting and short-term fasting have the same effect on the body. For some mysterious reason, critics don't read the many well-conducted (and NOT funded by industry and therefore less biased) research on short-term fasts.

Short-term fasting is often referred to as 'intermittent fasting'. Study after study has shown that intermittent fasting is safe and effective for fat loss and other biomarkers of health.

The critics quote data from studies on *long-term* fasting. Long-term fasting is indeed dangerous and unwise, leading to many serious health consequences such as malnourishment, muscle wasting and eventually death.

Short-term fasting usually means going 16-36 hours without food or drinks that contain calories. Studies show that it's safe AND has health benefits that are similar to exercise, including boosting human growth hormone levels.

As long as weight-bearing exercise is done weekly, there is no loss of muscle tissue during a short-term fast.

There doesn't seem to be a risk of hypoglycaemia. Blood sugar levels remain in the normal range unless the individual has been medically diagnosed as hypoglycaemic *before* attempting fasting. This surprises people who experience light- headedness when they don't eat for a few hours. What they're actually experiencing is a drop in blood sugar levels, but not a dangerous one. They may also be feeling the shift the body goes through when it starts to burn body fat for fuel instead of food. Sometimes discomfort may be due to withdrawal from caffeine or other foods that they are actually sensitive to.

On the other side of the fasting debate are people who claim that 'dry fasting' is the superior way to do an intermittent fast. Dry fasting means that you avoid food AND fluid during a fast. This means no water. Advocates believe that avoiding fluid, including water, helps the body cleanse itself of toxins and therefore it's the only way that a person can get the full 'healing' effect of fasting.

So far there isn't credible evidence that dry fasting is superior or even wise. People's hydration levels differ so one person might do fine going a day without water, another might suffer from headaches and other ailments related to dehydration. The humidity of the air, exercise levels, and other factors will influence hydration beyond fluid intake.

Often dry fasting advocates suggest going more than a day without fluid which can, at the very least, be uncomfortable, and at the very most, will be dangerous and even life threatening. People who feel bad during a dry fast are said to be 'detoxifying' more than those who don't feel as poorly. Outside of anecdotal reports, there isn't enough data to support this claim. Until more research is done on dry fasting, it's best to stick with methods that have been properly studied, as intermittent fasting has.

If you'd like a fast and safe way to lose fat and improve other aspects of your health, a short-term fast done once or twice a week is worth a try, but until proper studies are conducted with dry fasting, it's best to avoid food, not water, on your fasting days.
10:43 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Fasting Okay, Dehydration No Way

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 12, 2011 | 6:54 AM

TERMS dehydration may already be familiar. Dehydration means your body's water shortage because of the amount of fluid that comes out as much fluid intake. Never underestimate dehydration because it can disturb the balance of the body, even at a higher weight can lead to decreased consciousness and coma.

In order for the body's fluid needs are met, we require at least 1 liter of water every day. How to avoid dehydration is by drinking. However, how in the month of fasting, are not we required to withstand hunger and thirst from sunrise to sunset?

To overcome this, there are some things we can do. First is to multiply the drinking water at dawn and sunset. The water should be drunk plain water, not tea, coffee, or soda. Therefore, these drinks contain caffeine which is diuresis or increase the frequency of urination. More urinate, the more body fluid is wasted.

Avoid drinks that are too sweet because it will stimulate the release of the hormone insulin that increases blood sugar levels. If this happens, the body will grow weak. Also, when I want outdoor activities, especially during hot weather, use clothing made ​​of material comfort and absorb sweat. This will help reduce the evaporation of body fluids.
6:54 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Prepare Body Welcomes Lent

Ramadan just waiting for the day, of course, we hope to live it well, the body remained vibrant, active, and productive. To achieve these objectives, we need to always maintain excellent physical condition.

Choose Complex Carbohydrates
Our bodies need glucose for the brain to perform its functions. Lack of blood sugar will cause us to be tough to concentrate. But because we eat during the fasting period to be reduced, it is advisable to choose complex carbohydrates (rice, potatoes, singkon, or sweet). This type of carbohydrate longer breaks down into blood sugar that is more durable supply of sugar in the blood.

Avoid Sugar
Sweet foods and beverages that we consume will stimulate the release of the hormone insulin that increases blood sugar levels quickly. As a result, the body will grow weak.

Inadequate Nutrition
During the month of fasting food we eat tends to be less. However, we need to consider is the adequacy of nutrition, not the amount of food. Also do not select a menu from delicious food. Always meet the needs of the nutrients the body needs. For example, carbohydrate and fat as a source of energy. At dawn or sunset, multiply the vegetables, fruits and protein foods. If deemed necessary, there is no harm taking vitamin supplements.

Physical activity
Running fasting does not mean can not exercise or do physical activity. However, adjust the type and intensity of exercise that we do. You can choose sports such as yoga or tai chi olahtubuh a more relaxed effect. Do not force yourself to do the exercise using heavy weights. Should do the exercise before Iftar time or several hours after breaking the fast.
6:53 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Switch Hungry Children When Fasting

When fasting, not infrequently Little fuss and whine ask void. Do not rush to follow his will, there are many ways you can do the parents turn his hunger.

1. Toys. Prepare a toy that is not draining like monopoly, Ludo, lego, apart pairs, or puzzles.

2. Fairy tales. Read fairy tale or storybook favorite son, take him lying down relaxing.

3. Bathroom. Offer to take a bath to relieve the heat and thirst.

4. Hug & Hold. Holding the child can calm a restless child hunger.

5. Lying. Inviting the child lying on an air-conditioned space can reduce thirst and make it more quiet.

6. Watch. Watching movies of children, at least less than 2 hours a day, could be an alternative divert his hunger.
6:51 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Fresh Mouth Fasting Comfortable

Muslims in the world, including Indonesia, which entered the blessed month of Ramadan. Preparations for running the fasting was done. Starting from preparing for worship equipment, sweet foods such as dates for Iftar, until health preparedness for those who have a history of disease.

One part of the body which are often problematic when fasting is the mouth. Many times bad breath a person in the month of fasting became a serious problem in the relationship of communication with others.

"Naturally, it happened because there are brushing your teeth after sleep after dawn, some are not. Bad breath can not be avoided, "said dentist Hariani Agustiarini.

Most people usually make themselves available to sleep a few moments after dawn and the dawn prayer, before leaving for work. However, this often cause problems when awake. Many people are hesitant to remember to brush your teeth still in a state of fasting. They assume that brushing it makruh.

"In my opinion, still I recommend to brush your teeth when asleep again after dawn. Because no matter how long we sleep, the process of decay in permanent teeth takes place and that cause bad breath, "said Hariani.

Bacteria in the teeth actually continue to make the process of decay, especially after eating and body condition of inactivity or sleep. Brushing your teeth before bed does not guarantee the remnants of food on the teeth lost everything. The remaining food is the primary food source of bacteria in the tooth so that the potential to cause odor.

However, the level of bad breath a person depends on the quality of cleaning their teeth. Also a person's health condition. People suffering from diabetes, for example, her mouth will still smell. So also are suffering from ulcer, bad breath out quickly because of rapid gastric acid sensation.

To keep your mouth stay fresh during fasting and does not cause excessive odor, food consumed at dawn meal should be high-potential foods that do not cause odor, such as bananas or fried. Dietary recommendations for the predawn meal that is high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruit.

Bad breath occurs when the fasting due to dryness of the mouth due to lack of fluids (saliva or saliva). Because saliva is reduced, so any bacteria in the mouth so that it appears more bad breath. How to prevent it? Here are tips to overcome bad breath during fasting:
6:50 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Get Fit For Seniors who Fasting

For the elderly or senior citizens, many things to consider when starting the fasting. One is the calories needed during fasting. Meeting the needs of seniors who fasted calories must be equal to their current needs is not fasting.

Type of food consumed must be balanced. A good option is an older type of food that is indigestible complex carbohydrates such as rice, bread, and foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruit. This food is consumed during dawn. While the food is digested faster simple carbohydrates such as sugar, should be limited to consumption during dawn.

For seniors who have a history of disease, are still allowed to fast. Because Ramadan is a month of training and self-control setting, then arrange the food intake and discipline yourself. When fasting, eating and drinking is restricted so that the diet, amount and type of fast food is different from daily habits.

From research by the Division of Geriatric Medicine Department Faculty of medicine / RSCM in 1997, it is known that a person fasting will decrease the food intake of 12 percent of daily food intake. A number of other studies on elderly people showed that fasting gives a good effect on health. Elderly person who is fasting is also not compromised renal function during fluid intake met.

Other studies mentioned, after fasting, there is a decrease of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid. Levels of free radicals (substances that damage cells in the body) also decreased, whereas levels of antioxidants the body needs to increase. Fasting is also no negative effects on people with diabetes mellitus during follow instructions provided. Someone who fasted will feel at ease so that blood sugar levels more stable.

How fast is good for seniors? Here it is:

1. A diet that is recommended when fasting is 40 percent of calories during dawn, 50 percent of calories when breaking the fast which is divided into two namely snacks or fresh when breaking before the Maghrib prayers, and large solids or after Maghrib prayers. While 10 percent of calories consumed a small meal after prayers tarawih.

2. The drugs must be taken - if you have health problems - need to be monitored and regulated re-schedule their drinking.

3. Fluid requirements should be sufficient. It should be about 30-50 cc per kilogram of body weight per day (8-10 glasses) to avoid dehydration.

4. Expand the consumption of water or fruit juices between iftar and bedtime. Avoid too much consumption of tea because it stimulates urine expenditure so that the mineral salts that the body needs during the day will be wasted.

5. Consumption of easily digested foods such as rice, bread, and foods high in fiber such as vegetables and fruit. Avoid fatty and fried foods
6:49 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Ulcer Pain, Fast Recovery

MANY questions concerning ulcer disease and fasting. Can people with the disease is fast? Also, what foods are recommended and are not for people with stomach ulcers while fasting in Ramadan? Clearly, there are patients who can be cured by fasting.

Ramadan is an event of self-control to all the passions that could plunge us into a state not praiseworthy. One of those passions is overeating and uncontrollable.
What would happen if the desire to consume excessive amounts of tasty food has mastered our souls? Obesity and degenerative diseases are the main impact of the weak self-control system to the temptation to eat.

The number of meal orders contained in the Koran (not less than 28 times) showed that food and diet is very important and determine a person's health. Prophet Muhammad once said that the stomach should be filled one-third for food, one third for drink, and a third for breathing air.

Thus, Muslims are encouraged to eat if it is hungry and stop before full. The concept of stopping eating before satiety is also in line with Surat Al A'raf verse 31 which reads, "Eat and drink, but do not overdo it. For Allah loves not those who overdo it."

Excessive eating is not allowed to shortness stomach in Islam. As said by Al-Gazali, a state of satiety invited to the lust-lust bergeloranya low and move the various diseases in the body.

Prophet Muhammad once said, "it was the home of all stomach diseases. Restrict or keep the meal was the beginning of treatment, while the onset of all diseases is to fill the stomach excessive."

Partial Fasting
Ramadan fasting as a form of devotion to God Almighty law is mandatory for each of the faithful. In practice, questions often arise concerning how the effects of fasting on the nutritional state of a person? Nutritional what needs to be considered during the fasting month? So, how fast relationships with health?

Fasting, as done by Muslims classified as partial fasting, namely fasting which only lasted about 13 hours. Hasten breaking the fast at sunset call to prayer came, and put off until close to dawn Imsak time, was taught by the Prophet fasting strategy to reduce the impact of prolonged starvation on the body's metabolic system. Fasting Ramadan in no way intended to harm the body, but to get health.
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